    Волгоград, ул. Мира, 11до 18:00
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    Волгоград, ул. Депутатская, 7до 20:00
    Отзыв. I was at 2nd Olympic Games in Minsk. It was necessary to face a tooth problem. Advised to address to the 7th dental policlinic. This was a real eye-opener. The staff are all very friendly and the building is spotlessly clean.They have technology that I didn't know existed (combined X-ray and CT scanner) in-house, as well as their own operating room. What all this means is that when you go there, you don't have to make bookings to see other specialists and spend days waiting for an appointment. And they see you at the appointment time - no sitting around forever. Can't recommend it highly enough. Thanks.
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    Стоматологический центр
    Волгоград, пр-т им. В. И. Ленина, 22до 20:00
    Отзыв. Я посещаю этот стоматологический центр на проспекте Ленина давно, очень довольна предоставляемыми услугами. Держат сервис на высоком уровне. Молодцы!
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